@ These the turn of phrase is presupposition for join in a contest. So if you are interested in contests not at all, may be you don't use the turn of phrase. There are many Akita dog's owners in Japan and overseas who burn with passion for Akita dog's contests. There are owners who join in the contest with "full tank" condition and with measurable conditon and with in spite of nearly "nude" conditon. At any rate, the "full tank" conditoin is the most beautiful and the Akita dog can make an appeal the distinctive as characteristic of Akita dog. Akita dog has many hair in the cold season and doesn't have many hair in the hot season. Not only that, the quantity of hair is affected by controlled state, physical condition and pedigree. It is difficult to point the peak of hair's quantity into the contest's season for example spring and autumn. So veteran owners sometimes grumble, "The Akita dog point the peak not very much in the contest's season". Rather, it is herculean task to join the contest as "full tank". And the Akita dog which lives in the house with owner will not be able to have "full tank". The reason why the house's temperature keeps fixed level more than outdoor. Outdoor's temperature is sometimes hot and sometimes cold by the season. If it is cold, an Akita dog's hair need long. But the Akita dog which lives in the house with owner feel warm in the winter by the home heater. So the dog doesn't need "full tank". So they can't hope to get the victory in contests by the dog. One of Akita dog's owners who lives in cold district try to live his Akita dog in so cold room. The reson why he hopes to keep "full tank". If the Akita dog lives in the cold condition always, the hair have to always "full tank" as physiological response. The owner gets the victories in contests by the "method". It is admirable as "gambler". But the Akita dog is forced the physical and mental burden by the method. And some owners flame,"it is unwise conduct. If we continue it, our Akita dogs will be die young. He is not pure Akita dog's owner". It tend Akita dogs which live in cold district have a lot of hair. And Akita dogs which lives southern district have somewhat less the hair. So there are cases that the owners who live in warm district confide their Akita dogs to owners who live in cold district in the winter for "full tank". ¦Don't reprint to others for example web site without our permission. If you hope to buy high grade Akita dog, please feel free to contact us. |