The moral to Inbreeding

We'd like to mention about an example of the evil associated with inbreeding in this corner. There are inbreedings in the many kinds of animals not only dogs. The the purpose of inbreeding is narrowed down roughly one. It is mainly desire to make projectingly excellent goods or animals. But "artistic" and "gifted" are extremely rare. We have to encounter the result of disappointment in most cases.

There is the inbreeding that the method backed by high level tecnic and experiences. And there is the inbreeding that rely on intuition just like one-shot deal. The breeder who is the former brings to a stop category allowed inbreeding. And the breeder who is the latter doesn't worry even how it is deep inbreeding. For example, it includes the method backed by high level tecnic the breeding grand father and grand mother, uncle and aunt, half brother and half sister. These are gradual inbreedings. So it has the potential for birth to excellent Akita dog. Although if we will do it, we have to understand own blood line enough.

On the other hand, the breeder who is the latter doesn't worry to breeds for example parent and child without compunction. Of course such the case is rare. But few breeders continue to do that even now hesitation of anything without. Mostly of the breeders think to do not care to make the acrifice for making best Akita dog. So there is even the case of heavy immediate family. Surely, there were "super" Akita dogs by the immediate family. The breeder who is the latter doesn't worry put a one-shot deal.

There is epilepsy as negative product such by the deep inbreeding. Epilepsy is not peculiar to be not unique to human. Dogs, cats, horses and many animals are suffered it as the congenital sick. Some kinks of animals show the symptom of epilepsy as can be seen around. And Some kinks of animals include Akita dog show the symptom of epilepsy not easily. But veteran Akita dog's breeder who has a deep insight sees through the epilepsy at a glance a puppy. On the other hand, there are many cases the breeder who sell the puppy and the customer can notice the epilepsy not at all.

We'd like to introduce you how to determine of the epilepsy by a veteran who lives our home town. For example, there are some brothers and sisters. They are Akita puppies several dozen days has elapsed since birth. If one of them has the epilepsy, the puppy's head moves with unstable subtly. Breeders and veterans who live with Akita dogs aimlessly can't see through the subtle difference from other brothers and sisters.

And the veteran who lives our home town designates what the epilepsy puppy's ears gives off a stench as different from other puppies. He said,"That is peculiar nasty smell emanating from the ears". The epilepsy puppy's neck move unsteadily just like a a paper tiger with each passing month. Also reached to this stage,it is difficult to determine the luck to the untrained eye. The veterans of rich in insight say against such the situation "papier-mache". In other words, they say, "the Akita dog has epilepsy". There is also the example that symptoms appear to tip over blowing bubbles.

And the veteran designates,"epilepsy Akita dog can't live over 3 or 4 years since birth". Even if it is the deep inbreeding, it does not mean that epilepsy puppy will be born always. Absolutely there is the risk. Don't misunderstand about it. And even if the breeding isn't inbreeding, it isn't nil that the epilepsy puppy will be born.

At any rate, inbreeding is allowed only in the veterans who have high technology. They may do it only category allowed. It is the cardinal rule and the moral as Akita dog's breeder. All breeders should understand that the aberrant inbreeding will lead to a sad ending. All breeders have to consider what it makes sense to the species preservation or not.

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If you hope to buy high grade Akita dog, please feel free to contact us.